Tag archives for Amazon Kindle - Page 2

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The Power of Free – Exodus Perfect ebook on Smashwords

So having spent some time thinking on it I have decided two things. That Exodus: Perfects is the best start to the series (it is the start of the main arc of the story).  That obscurity is the biggest threat to being an author. So given both 1 & 2 above the solution is a more or less permanently free ebook of Exodus Perfects. Now that the exclusivity of Exodus Perfects to Amazon has expired I can make it available through other sources. Free Ebook on Amazon Kindle When you sign up for Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) it offers you a 90 day tie in to their KDP Select programme, which allows you to give your title away for free 5 days out of 90. At first sight it seems to be the only way to make your book free…
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Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /var/www/html/themself/wp-content/themes/mesocolumn/lib/functions/theme-functions.php on line 502

Short Story – Exodus: Mike’s Thread by James Kemp

I've made a short story from my NaNoWriMo 2012 event available as a Kindle book, which is available from Amazon. Exodus: Mike's Thread tells part of the story from the point of view of one of the characters, it isn't his whole story, but tells a large chunk of it and ends on an appropriate point. The gist of the story is that Mike is an officer in the US Space Command, and one of the insiders in a conspiracy within the US military to circumvent the inconvenient parts of civilian control. He tells his story in the first person to the interviewer after the events. The rest of the story is still in for editing, although I won't release more of it until I've got through some more of my open university maths course, I've got some catching up to…
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