Grimm’s Fairy Stories by Jacob Grimm

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Interesting to see the originals that Disney worked their magic on. There’s a similarity across some of the stories where you can see that perhaps they are mutated versions of the same original that have morphed as they were told.

Also there are a number of fairy stories that I hadn’t heard before, them not having quite entered popular consciousness where I grew up. Possibly some of these would be the kernel of some good stories, Grimm’s style is very much tell and no show. That suits the sort of morality tales these are, intended for someone to simply recount them at bedtime or round the fire or dinner table. They’ve come from an oral tradition, and anything taking longer to tell than 10 to 20 minutes would be too complex.

Still, it is an interesting piece of folk history and I’m glad I read these stories.

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