Well Alexander isn’t running yet, but he is a lot better at walking. It has been a busy few weeks with not a lot of time to do anything more than play with Alexander, sort myself out for work, eat, sleep and go to and from the office.

Tracy has also been working both weekends which has meant that I’ve not managed to do anything those days either as Alexander and I have been having fun and he has been having his sleeps when we’ve been out thus reducing the little time I get to use a computer (and by implication post to this blog).

Anyway we’re gearing up to go to Detling this weekend for the annual multi-period historical re-enactment event run by Kent County Council. It is one of the biggest going in the country, perhaps only the English Heritage Festival of History comes close to it in terms of size.

Alexander has grown a bit since the last time we dressed him in C17 clothes (he’s about 5cm taller for a start). The shift that he wore no longer fits, although we have been given a new larger one from the Battalia stocks. His woollen robe is still OK, although now his feet stick out the bottom, which is fine as he can walk.