Themself is intended to help both readers and writers. It shares ideas on writing, showcases authors and helps readers find new things to read with a mixture of reviews, author interviews and guest blog posts. I write mainly of science fiction, fantasy and historical thrillers but I read much more widely. You’ll find reviews of many more genres than those, and also some poetry as well as the prose.
I like to write stories. Some of my stories have been published, most recently a non-fiction account of my experience as a creative writing student with the Open University (A215). This lead to more material being available on the blog and ought to lead, in due course, to more published stories. I also have two unpublished novels at second draft stage.
As well as writing stories, I also design face to face games. Some of these are available for free download over on my Full Moon Games website. Notably there is a game about the experience of being an Afghan farmer, and also a megagame being worked up on the Nine Years War and the aftermath of the Glorious Revolution in 1688.
Contact Info
If you want to get in touch then I can be found on twitter as @greencoatboy or you can try email james at this domain name, i.e. themself.org
Other pages
- Books written by James Kemp – a list of the published books for which I am the author.
- Computer Names – the names and some info of computers that I have owned, not a comprehensive list
- Library (removed) – I own thousands of books. I now use Goodreads for tracking my book collection (although only the ones I’ve acquired or read in the last few years).
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