book cover for Exodus 2: Perfects by James Kemp Exodus: Perfects, Part 2 of my NaNoWriMo 2012 novel, has been released on amazon for kindle. It takes a different tack from Exodus part 1, which followed a US Space Command Colonel and his part on the trigger event that will lead to (some) people leaving the Earth because either they personally aren't welcome there any more (as is the case for the 'Perfects' in part 2) or what they want to do isn't tolerated. Who are the Perfects? So the 'Perfects' of the title are a group of people that are the result of some unauthorised, and unethical, experiments conducted by a genetic therapy company in the 2030s. The embryos were supposed to have been destroyed, but Haephestus Genetics had them implanted into surrogate mothers instead. In the meantime the…
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