Tag archives for Design

new cover reveal for Themself

Firstly I would like to thank everyone that took time to give me feedback on the design of the new cover for Themself. In particular I'd like to name check Tom Mouat who first suggested a minimalist approach (as did a couple of others). This prompted me to spend some time looking at book covers in the bookshop at London Victoria train station. What I saw there was that nearly every non-fiction book (and a lot of the fiction) had a fairly minimalist cover. Bookshop visit I was sort of surprised by the number of books that have a block colour cover, large text for title & author, and nothing else. Although most of those also had a small illustration on the cover, usually about half the width and a third of the height. Those illustrations were simplified, not photo…
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Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /var/www/html/themself/wp-content/themes/mesocolumn/lib/functions/theme-functions.php on line 502

T317 EMA Project Lessons

I'm now done studying until late September. For once I didn't finish the T317 EMA Project. Instead, I deferred until the next presentation. I keep the scores for the first three TMAs and need to repeat TMA4 and TMA5, which are linked to the T317 EMA Project. There were three reasons why I deferred, all linked to each other. In no particular order they were: - lack of time to study/work on my T317 EMA project - poor choice of T317 EMA project subject - unhappiness with quality of output & grades All of these are my fault. Partly they are circular. I had a downward spiral of motivation because I wasn't enthused by the project topic. This meant I didn't make the time to study. Also not studying meant that the grades deteriorated. The root cause for most of…
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Driver Assistance HUD – Innovation Concept

I picked a meta level problem for my innovation course project. The problem is making it easier for the driver to improve road safety.  I've come up with an idea for driver assistance at service level. Too much information on the roadside - (Photo credit: Wikipedia) The idea is that you have get your driver assistance through integrating navigation, a forward facing stereoscopic camera and the WiFi from a smartphone to provide assistance to drivers. This is then linked through the cloud to other nearby vehicles. Driver Assistance What it would do is mount the cameras and projector on the dash forward of the steering wheel. The cameras would provide some sense of how close the next vehicle was, and help with other driving cues. The projector would stick a bar along the bottom of the windscreen to help the driver with speed, and…
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Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /var/www/html/themself/wp-content/themes/mesocolumn/lib/functions/theme-functions.php on line 502

T317 Design and Innovation starts

My second to last open university course officially started on Friday. The course is about Design and Innovation, which I thought would be a very good thing to go into my business studies BA along with the Creative Writing I did two years ago. At the time I booked onto it I was working as a digital architect, designing digital services for the bit of the civil service I was working in. Since then I have been promoted and changed ; I'm still likely to find it useful though, just in a different way. The upshot of this course, 60 credit points at final year undergraduate level, is that I'm likely to stop reading things for pleasure for a while. So there will be fewer blog posts, and what there is may be about design or innovation. I'm expecting my…
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