Tag archives for November

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NaNoWriMo – the end

So November is finished, although my draft novel isn't. I managed to write 44,463 words during November for it, which isn't quite the magic 50k needed to claim a win. see  for how my writing progress panned out. I really enjoyed this process and it wasn't as difficult as it first appeared. Some of it is helped by the regular pep talk broadcast mails it sends out, and also the stats counter tells you how many words you need to average every day that you have left to hit the magic 50k. However the pep talk mails give you a more human view of it, and I found them to be good encouragement to keep going. So why, with all that encouragement and sign posting, did I not manage to hit fifty thousand words? Well I nearly did, and this was…
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Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /var/www/html/themself/wp-content/themes/mesocolumn/lib/functions/theme-functions.php on line 502

CLWG Offside Report – November 2006

There were three sessions at the British end of the November '06 meeting of CLWG; no doubt Daniel and Nick will enlighten us separately on what we missed at the continental meeting. In order of appearance the attendance was Trevor, Mukul, Jim, Brian, John, Peter Howland and myself. The sessions were: Torchwood. A Victorian roleplaying game run by Brian Cameron Starship Marine. A classic figure game run by Jim Remember, Remember. An old favourite re-run by both Jim and Brian covering the gunpowder plot of 1605. Torchwood (Brian) Brian started this off with a short clip from the end of the Doctor Who episode that had inspired the game. The episode (titled Torchwood) involved the Doctor saving Queen Victoria from a werewolf in the Highlands in 1879. At the end of the episode (after QV has knighted and then immediately…
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