Tag archives for Scouting - Page 2

Merstham Cubs Racing Push Carts

Clark Pack team for the District Cubs Push Carts Competition #cubs (Photo credit: James Kemp) Today was the Reigate and Horley Cubs District Push Cart Racing Competition. We were down in Horley in a school playground in the rain, but we all enjoyed it immensely and we won a few races (although not enough to keep the trophy we won last year). Here are a couple of videos that I took of some of our races. Eight Year Olds Single Lap Race This was the first race that we won, and Lewis was pushing with Christopher steering. Both boys have only just come up from the Beavers. 10 Years and under Relay Race We had Solomon pushing in lap 1 and Thomas P in lap 2 with Alex steering, they had a fantastic race and then crashed off the course…
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Cub Camp 2014 – pt.2

So here are a couple of photos to give you an idea of what Jordan Heights looks like. I didn't take that many photos, largely because my phone ran out of battery before the end of the weekend. So this is the pizza oven, made from a metal dustbin with racking inside. It's just outside the covered area with a bespoke raised fire pit. The picture doesn't show the door for the front, it was a wooden door lined with a metal plate and with a couple of handles to make it easy to move back and forth. When it was on it kept the heat from escaping from the front. I kept it off while I was getting the fire lit. I spent the weekend telling the boys that they'd been eating food out of the bins! It worked…
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Cub Camp 2014

I got back yesterday evening from a two night camp with Clark Pack of 5th Reigate (Merstham) cub scouts. We were up at Jordan Heights, a little piece of unspoilt wilderness hidden on the back of Reigate Hill about 100m from the A217. The campsite is appropriately spartan. The facilities are geared for adventure rather than comfort. This is a good thing when you are scouting. There are some custom built outdoor cooking facilities (see the photos), a hut for storage and as a backstop against inclement weather. There are also air rifle and archery facilities with a trained instructor available. The campsite is a couple of flattened areas both bigger than our scout hall and it is set in the woods on the side of Reigate Hill. There are other facilities too, and you can see the details on…
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Siege Engines R Us – quick build toy siege engine

Alexander got a new castle playset today, and on the front of the box were pictures of more things than were actually in the box. In particular there was a catapult (in the style of an Onager) and a few other siege engine type things. So in typical four year old fashion Daddy was asked to help with construction of a replacement. To start with we had some string and some lolly sticks, but those were just too difficult to work with, the lolly sticks were really too flat to be able to get the right sort of shape. Fortunately I remembered that we had some wood left from an ash tree that I had cut down and that some of those were about finger thickness. So I popped out into the garden and cut some of the wood up to…
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