Tag archives for song lyrics

Bonny Mary O Argyll – do you know the words?

Me in my Tam O Shanter from when I was a part-time soldier (photo: James Kemp) Bonny Mary O' Argyll is a song I remember being sung at (grown-up) parties when I was growing up. I also remember singing it with gusto from the back of army four tonners when I went on exercise with 207 Battery RA, AKA the Glasgow gunners. Some years ago I spent ages years ago trying to find all the words, to no avail. However a more recent search showed loads of videos. It seems that filming your old army pals singing it in the pub has become a thing, so I was able to decipher some of the words from a bunch of Arglls veterans on youtube! There's another traditional folk song also called Bonny Mary O' Argyll. However this version seems to have…
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Auld Lang Syne compiled by Karen Dolby [Book Review]

Auld Lang Syne: Words to Songs You Used to Know compiled by Karen Dolby My rating: 4 of 5 stars This is a song book of many of the songs that you've probably heard growing up, or maybe down the pub if you frequent that sort of pub. Auld Lang Syne compiled by Karen Dolby Auld Lang Syne is a collection of songs organised by theme. They're not quite folk songs, but popular implies the wrong thing. These are songs that ordinary people sing, rather than professional musicians (although many have been recorded by the latter).  Each song has its lyrics, and is followed by notes on when it was written, who has recorded it and what the tune is. There are also notes explaining the context of some of the songs. The sections are: country life thoughts of home love and…
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