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Archives for February, 2014 - Page 3


Book Review – The Summer Isles by Ian R MacLeod

The Summer Isles by Ian R. MacLeod My rating: 4 of 5 stars An alternative history through the eyes of a gay Oxford don. The premise is that the Germans won the First World War, their March 1918 offensive succeeded and the war ended in the August with the defeat of France and Britain. The Peace Treaty strips Britain of a number of colonies and overseas territories in much the same way that the Germans were in our own history. Britain has a violent period in the 1920s and a former corporal, John Arthur, becomes the leader of a Modernist movement. The story starts in the early part of 1940 when the Empire Alliance has been in power for at least a decade. A number of short victorious wars has restored much of the Imperial prestige lost at the end…
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A215 What They Teach you at Creative Writing School

I read this article  about Hanif Kureishi's views on what is missing from the teaching of creative writing to people. I'm not sure that I entirely agree with Hanif Kureishi. Perhaps if he'd studied with the OU he would have had plenty of practice in recognising the plentiful supply of good ideas that we have. He might also have been taught some techniques to fire up his imagination and to harness it to produce material. On the other hand I do agree that there is (rightly) a lot of focus in text books on the 'hard' skills that writers need. On use of language, structure and the practicalities of how to produce good prose, poetry etc. This is not just down to creative writing schools though, all disciplines have a mixture of 'hard' and 'soft' skills. The masters of the discipline can…
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