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AD69: The Megagame of the Year of Four Emperors

This megagame was held in Eardley School, Streatham on Saturday 14th June all historians know, primary sources are often good for giving you an idea of what was going on, but are often biased by the perceptions of the people involved. For megagames this is even more so, since the players will have you believe that they personally triumphed over all the ;AD 69 is particularly prone to this phenomenon. To this end I collected the papers of Glitius Decianus, the Procurator of Belgica after the game. I also collected a number of papers from the ruins of the Senate including some of the letters from Fabius Fabullus the legate of Legio V, Alaudae and Defender of recovered papers are: About Glitius Decianus The Belgican Treasury accounts showing (the official version of) where all the money went to. Glitius Decianus' letters to Rome. These give a chronological account to…
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It's No Picnic!

It's No Picnic! - Press BriefingsThe following are the collected press releases/public statements made by the players and the umpire produced Headlines for the Frost City Herald during the Disaster Simulation Tryout Game on Saturday 17 May 's Speech on Local RadioDuring this dry weather it is especially important that we all act responsibly to avoid starting fires and quickly report any we come across. The forest rangers have already put out eight today thanks to prompt reporting on the part of you, the up the good work and keep watching for firesNOTE: This is a copy of the Mayor's speaking notes as no transcript of the actual speech is available. There were a few minor City HeraldExclusive! Mayor Says No to Nuclear Power - Thousands of Jobs Threatened!Frost City Press BriefingMayor Safeguards Tourist TradeIt is untrue to say that the refusal of planning permission…
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On the Bounce – CLWG Game Report

a post-operation Press briefing from Democracy and Freedom Today! (Game played at CLWG on Sunday 2nd February 1997). This was run by Jim Wallman and was set in the not too distant future. Needless to say Democracy and Freedom Today! (aka DAFT) were somebody's freedom fighters and the PEC's Troops Terrorise TeenagersIn the early hours of this morning a heavily armed PEC force flagrantly violated Libyan territory in contravention to UN resolution 1385. The unprovoked raid by PEC forces quickly turned into an orgy of destruction, kidnap and PEC killing spree started when a bus carrying school-children from the local academy for gifted children was ambushed on its return from a field trip. The children, aged between 12 and 16, had been out looking at the night sky as part of the Astronomy 101 course. The field trip was a…
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Serenity Station Post-Hunt Report

Serenity Station Post-Hunt Report As one of the two members of the Climbing Lodge With Gallantry (CLWG) hunting party in the Serenity Station Hunt I was impressed by the excellent hunt set-up. The combination of prey was most challenging and allowed for an excellent day out. After entering Serenity station and having a good look around I watched the initial human entry. I fired a few rounds from extreme range at them as they disembarked. This caused them to disappear (I suspect that they have developed some sort of cloaking technology, although they did not use it when I encountered them later, so it cannot be much good.) This fire was ineffective because the humans were wearing reasonable, if crude, personal armour. The armour was breachable at close range, as my first kill testified. I stalked a group of 10…
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Design Session for “The Lion Comes Home” – Onside report

English: President Harry S. Truman (foreground, left) greeting British Prime Minister Clement Attlee (foreground, right) at Washington National Airport, upon Attlee's arrival for talks on the Korean crisis. Also present is Sir Oliver Franks, British Ambassador to the United States (right), and Field Marshal Sir William Slim (left), the Chief of the Imperial General Staff (Photo credit: Wikipedia) This CLWG session yesterday was a very loose and rambling affair with myself and three (or perhaps four) others. I ran a design session for a game tentatively titled "The Lion Comes Home" about the post-war decolonisation period. Despite the great number of digressions I managed to get quite a few useful pointers about structure, level of detail, team composition and, importantly, how much more research I had to do. With luck the game will appear some time during 1996 for a…
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