Tag archives for J.K. Rowling


Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone [Book Review]

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by Rowling My rating: 4 of 5 stars Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone is possibly the book that I have read more than any other (the only other contenders are either The Silver Sword or The Facts Factory by Giles Brandreth - both of which fell apart in my primary school bag). It starts a fantastic world that I could happily live in, and that both I and my children love. If you haven't read Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone then you haven't lived. I started reading Harry Potter when there were only two sequels out, and have re-read each of the books before the next one was published. I've also re-read them after watching the movies. So I've re-read this one at least six times. It's an awesome universe with loads…
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Fifty Books in 2012 – Progress Update 18% complete

You’ll perhaps recall that I set myself a target of reading all 40 books I was given for my birthday during the course of 2012. I then modified that target to also include some of the remaining books from Christmas and one or two other recent additions to the ‘to-read’ bookcase (which it most certainly is, the 40 birthday books take up a shelf on their own with a couple balanced on top). I’ve been slowed down recently trying to complete a couple of assignments for an OU course I’ve been studying (B628 Managing People and Organisations). I put in the last assignment on that on 29 th March, but won’t find out if I’ve passed for a few months yet (I’m not confident, I had a bout of illness that robbed me of a couple long days worth of…
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