Tag archives for Wattpad


Crisis Point on Wattpad

I'm editing Crisis Point for the third time to make it better by using the things I learned on A215 Creative Writing. One of the most valuable things I got from that was that you need feedback from real people to help you get better as a writer. Hence the use of wattpad (although I've also sent the story to a few of the other A215 veterans for their comments too). Here is the beginning of Crisis Point on wattpad. For obvious reasons I'll not be posting the whole story there, but I'll post a few more sections than the three that are there already. If you would like to be a beta reader for me then please drop me a line, either in the comments section, on the facebook page linked on the right or by email.   Related…
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Wattpad and a new beginning for Perfects

In reading through my blog feed I came across a very interesting article by Ian Sutherland on using Wattpad. It was so interesting that I thought I might give Wattpad a shot myself. One of the things that I have done as a consequence of learning much more about creative writing is to write a new beginning for Perfects (as well as re-write bits in the middle and what comes after the parts published so far). So if you would like to see the new beginning of Perfects, then it is on wattpad.  When I finally have time, likely to be in the summer when A215 is finished, then I will complete the re-write and publish is both as an ebook and paperback. Related articles That Perfect Pitch How to: Make Wattpad Work For You Wattpad Half of Wattpad Writers…
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