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Archives for December, 2018 - Page 2

Elf Mischief 2018 part 1

Our house is home to more than one naughty elf. Every December for the last few years there has been Elf Mischief. Here are some of the things they have got up to so far this December. Elf Mischief On the first night, leading to the morning of 1 December, the elves sneaked in and put the advent calendars in black bin bags to hide them from the children. I didn't get any photos of it though. Elf Sweety Fest The elves spent the night of 1-2 December bingeing on sweeties. I wasn't quite quick enough to get the pile of sweetie wrappers, but you can still see the evidence of sherbet! As elf mischief goes this is pretty minor, but you don't want to go too strong on the first few nights of December. Pants on the Tree Elf…
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On not blogging

I've not written much since I was in hospital. I found it harder to concentrate when I was recuperating. I also think that I might have gone back to work a little sooner than was ideal. I did manage to publish a couple of posts about my hospital stay, and there's a third one in draft that I didn't manage to finish. I don't think that's anything to do with having been unwell. I've not lost enthusiasm, but I do seem to have a lot of things going on. It's been the same at work. I had been writing one and a bit blog posts a week for work before I was off. In two months I've managed three. Writer's block? I haven't got writer's block. I've just run out of time to write things. I've worked a fair number…
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Lies Sleeping by Ben Aaronovitch [Book Review]

Lies Sleeping by Ben Aaronovitch My rating: 5 of 5 stars I really enjoyed Lies Sleeping, and liked the multiple meanings inferable from the title. Lies Sleeping continues and expands on the Peter Grant story, for one thing PC Grant is now a Detective Constable. Lies Sleeping represents a watershed in the development of the universe, setting it up for more and bigger stories. The Folly is getting bigger and better organised. We see some of the liaison officers, that merely tolerated Peter and magic, accepting that it's not going away and treating Peter as one of the family. Lies Sleeping There are several key parts of the world that are explored and deepened. There is the nature of magic, keeping with Peter Grant's penchant for experimental approach and attempts to document how and why. There's what happened to practitioners…
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