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Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /var/www/html/themself/wp-content/themes/mesocolumn/lib/functions/theme-functions.php on line 502


Image via Wikipedia Today has been an unusually inspiring day, I had two separate ideas for games both of which I reckon could be pulled off in the space of a couple of days basic research and writing briefings etc. Tracy & I both woke up early and we got a couple of hours to do things before Alexander surfaced at the rather late (for him) 9am. In that time I unusually got to watch some TV of my own choice. The first idea came from a programme on the freeview channel 'Yesterday' about the Glencoe Massacre (or more accurately the events leading up to it and the aftermath. This is the follow on to the two games I've done about the revolution in 1689-90 in Scotland. There was a meeting between Albany and the Highland Chiefs where two secret…
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Science Museum

Alexander and I had an afternoon out in the science museum, mostly in the basement playing with the boats in the water. We managed to get out just after 12, after a false start where we went back into the house to make sandwiches as I had misinterpretted Alexander's wish to eat lunch in the museum cafe as meaning I was buying it when we got there. A slow walk to the station, stopping a couple of times to watch the men digging up the roads and a lorry emptying a load of steaming tarmac back onto another filled in hole. We got the 12:41 into Victoria (changing at East Croydon) and then waited for a bus to South Ken as a small boy wanted a bus rather than the tube. We had an entertaining 10 minutes or so calling…
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Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /var/www/html/themself/wp-content/themes/mesocolumn/lib/functions/theme-functions.php on line 502

Back to Work

I'm standing on the 08:22 to Victoria on my way to work. This is an hour later than usual, but first day after a long weekend with my brother and his fiancée ; Couldn't face a cold breakfast this morning as it was noticeably cold when I got up at 6 and couldn't summon energy to cook something either. Also wasted home trying to wrestle wireless back into life as it seemed to have got very slow after last night's two and a half hour power cut.
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Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /var/www/html/themself/wp-content/themes/mesocolumn/lib/functions/theme-functions.php on line 502

power cut

I was playing in the spare room upstairs with Alexander having put it back the way it usually is after Michael & Gillian had left. The lights went out and Alexander popped up from under the duvet to tell me off! He was pretty good in the dark (and it was dark because of the cloud and the fact that all the lights in the vicinity had gone off). We carefully made our way downstairs to find a torch and some candles and set to getting some light. A few trips were made to the garage to try and find the proper gas lamp, but it eluded us and the one torch we could find wasn't really up to the job (it being a toy wind-up torch). I did, however, find a bag of very large candles and Tracy had…
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Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /var/www/html/themself/wp-content/themes/mesocolumn/lib/functions/theme-functions.php on line 502

A Hole in the Garden!

I got home this evening to find a barrier across the front door and a hole in the path between the drive and the door (I was able to get in because they'd helpfully laid the paving flags on the grass round the barriers). Turns out the chaps replacing the gas mains couldn't get in touch with us (they claimed) to tell us what they wanted to do, so they just dug the hole anyway. I am pretty unhappy at how this has been done (although I would have consented if anyone had bothered to ask). The drive is covered in mud and the hole isn't that well protected given that I have an inquisitive four year old. Nothing I can do about it now, other than perhaps take a shovel and fill it in. Not only that, there is…
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