Archives for themself - Page 10


B203 Exam tomorrow

The exam for B203 is tomorrow afternoon, I can't honestly say that I've done enough prep for it but all I need is a pass. I've already done enough to secure a 2:1 for my degree and this is the last of the mandatory modules I need to do. It's also the least favourite of the modules I've done. Tomorrow night it will be done, barring the need for a resit if I fail the exam. Instead of blogging I've been cramming theory on Operations Management, Information Management, Accounting & Finance, Marketing and HR Management into my head. I've also been putting my notes into a personal wiki that you can find at  if you too are one of the people studying B203 with the open university. Let me know if you find it useful. Next up will be T317…
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Cinnabar Moth

As mentioned earlier, there's rather too much going on right now to read books and review them, so here's a picture I took in my garden yesterday of a Cinnabar Moth (I initially mis-identified it as some sort of butterfly). One thing that is worth mentioning is that there are two sets of wings, and the lower set is completely red. You can just see them in the middle of the picture. When the moth flies it looks way more red than black, in fact I was surprised when it landed that the wings weren't completely red.  Cinnabar Moth in North East Surrey May 2015 (photo: James Kemp) English: Caterpillar of Cinnabar Moth Cinnabar Moth on a Ragwort. 480921 (Photo credit: Wikipedia) This is the first time that I've seen one of these, although I've seen the caterpillars a number of…
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Could You Write Five Million Words?

Five million words. That's about a hundred NaNoWriMo winners worth of words.  More than most authors will publish in a lifetime. Yet it's not far off what you need to write to become a good writer. Ten Thousand Hours There's a theory, most famously expounded by Malcolm Gladwell in Outliers, that you need to spend about ten thousand hours practicing a skill before you get to the world class level. He cites The Beatles and Bill Gates amongst others as examples of this. There's more to success than just putting in the hours, but it certainly counts for a big chunk of it. So what counts as practice as a writer? You'd think this was obvious, writing stuff, and maybe a bit of reading. However I'd disagree with that, or rather modify it a bit. What I think makes you increase…
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Twenty Years on the Internet

(Photo credit: Wikipedia) It's so long ago that I've forgotten the exact date, but I first used the internet in February 1995 when I was working as a local system administrator for the UK Energy Efficiency Office. I had a second-hand 386 laptop with a 9,600 baud modem in it and I mainly got usenet through a now long defunct CompuServe account (with the snappy and memorable as my email address). My primary use of the internet was for work, I was finding out about Novell NetWare admin and Groupwise as the mail client + server software. However there were no official internet accounts, and no way of getting sign off for one. That said, everything was done in-house, with the odd specialist contractor to add expertise. So I just got on with using one of the free CDs that…
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Half Trained

  I am now a half trained cub scout leader. I spent the weekend at Bentley Copse scout centre in Surrey doing the first two days of the four day adult leader training course. When I'm done I'll have earnt the wood badge worn by thousands of scout leaders worldwide. The course exceeded my expectations, although those started fairly low. I was expecting two days of death by powerpoint being fed the party line, however unrealistic it may be. However what I got was a training team that understood that we were all thinking adults and that we were involved in scouting because we wanted children to have fun trying out new things in a safe environment. As well as that the theory was well interleaved with practical activities and discussion for us both to get to know each other…
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