Tag archives for academic - Page 8

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A215 Creative Writing Starts Soon

The next course on my Open University degree is a departure from the Business Studies focus, I'll be studing Creative Writing (course code A215). I got the course materials the other day, a big red book (affectionately known to the students of A215 as BRB); some CDs with author interviews and a study guide. Controversially amongst those on the forum there is no list of TMA questions (all the usual guidance etc is there, but the core questions that tell you what is required are missing). Theories abound on whether this is to get us to engage first, or whether they are just still re-writing the TMA questions. I guess we'll find out soon enough. The course website and tutor group forums are due to open on Wednesday. I'm looking forward to this course, for what I hope are obvious…
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Book Review – Good Strategy, Bad Strategy by Richard Rumelt

If you have to read about strategy this is a very good place to start your understanding of strategy. I've got several years of experience in government doing strategy and I've studied it academically as well. So I'm applying a wide evidence base, and this is a good book about strategy. This is the first book that I've seriously highlighted, mainly because it struck a chord with me and seemed to be full of sensible advice about the characteristics of both good and bad strategy. I can see myself using some of the content at work to help me and my colleagues develop better strategies and avoid some of the pitfalls. Unlike a lot of the strategy books I have read this one is intended for a wide audience and has very readable language (some of the academic works disappear…
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Strategy Study Notes

I am currently (Aug 2011) studying module B301 "Making Sense of Strategy" with the Open University. This is a final year (third year, level 3) undergraduate module which forms a core part of their BA in Business Studies. I have an exam in mid-October 2011, so I thought that rather than use index cards (as I did when I did my at the University of Glasgow (1989-1992)) I would stick all the core ideas and other facts to cram for the exam into some wiki pages, which I could then edit and refine much more easily. Also I will probably then convert all it into something easily printable to re-read as many times as possible prior to the exam. So here  are my Strategy Study Notes. Related articles Library Services Open Day - Thursday 11th August 2011 " University of Glasgow Library () Stakeholder Management…
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First Assignment Submitted!

After a couple of sweaty days (mostly from the gout and related medication rather than the assignment it has to be said) I finished off my first (of 6) Tutor Marked Assignments (TMA) for the B310 Making Sense of Strategy course I'm doing with the Open University. Next assignment is due in four weeks, so I'd better get started on it right away. Well perhaps tomorrow.  next tonight is to get some sleep. Related articles You can be creative and innovative () OpenLearn - The Open University ()
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Making Sense of Strategy (Open University B301)

I've just started an Open University course (B301) titled "Making Sense of Strategy" in an attempt to show that I understand the theory as well as having practical experience of developing Strategy. The latter is a matter of record (on my CV at any rate). Mostly I've done it using central government's policy perspective, which isn't terribly good at acknowledging various academic theories. I've also got a strong pragmatic streak, so I've never really held much stock by other people's formal methods. Nevertheless Making Sense of Strategy will marry up my practice with the theory. Making Sense of Strategy What my experience does is make me highly sceptical of the various models being held up. That is probably a good thing. Making Sense of Strategy is mostly about making people think for themself. While still showing that we understand the competing theories. I've been looking at…
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