Tag archives for Crisis Point

2018 Resolutions Revisited

As in previous years I've posted some New Year Resolutions on my blog. Given it's the end of the year I thought I ought to revisit them. 2018 Resolutions I have a few 2018 resolutions, they’re all a little lower key than the 2017 ones. Read 40 books over the course of the year (I managed 27 in 2017, but have read more in previous years) Design a megagame (finishing what I started) Write 50 blog posts, edit Perfects and publish it Get my weight under 13 stone and keep it there. Read 40 Books I haven't done this, my Goodreads profile shows that I've fallen short by 1 book, 135 pages to be exact. That's an improvement on last year, but still not the forty I set as a target. One thing I've realised is that progress depends on…
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A/B Testing Amazon book sales

A/B Testing is when you try two almost identical approaches out with real people to see which option gets the best response. The only difference between A & B is the thing that you are trying to test. In my trial I had the same science fiction novella available through two Amazon ASIN. Both were enrolled in KDP (there's nothing forbidding this but I'm sure Amazon don't encourage that behaviour). Crisis Point (UK - 2 reviews) Crisis Point (UK - 0 reviews) What was different between these two was that one of the versions has two reviews, both five stars. There are also changes to the wording in the blurb. The test So this wasn't quite true A/B Testing as I didn't perform the free days simultaneously, one was over the Christmas period and the other was last weekend. However…
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Happy Christmas – Free Story

English: A neatly decorated Christmas cake. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) A little early, but I thought I would say Happy Christmas to everyone I know and also offer you all a free story for your kindle (if you don't have one you can still read it on your computer or your smartphone using the free e-reader software from amazon). From tomorrow until midnight on Boxing Day (US Pacific time, so about 07:00 on the 27th for us in the UK) my latest story will be free for your kindle from Amazon. Here are some links so that you can grab a free copy: Crisis Point on Amazon UK Crisis Point on Crisis Point on Amazon Canada Crisis Point on Amazon Australia Crisis Point on Goodreads It should be free on all the other Amazon sites too. If you have goodreads then…
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Eligibility for the 2014 Hugos

My novelette Crisis Point is eligible for the Best Novelette category of the 2014 Hugos. Weighing in at about 13k words it is a near future science fiction techno thriller set in the middle of the 21st Century. So if you want to grab a free copy here are the links Crisis Point on Crisis Point on Amazon UK Crisis point widens the world view from that presented in Perfects (due Summer 2014, but you can read extracts from it elsewhere on the blog). It tells the story of a military conspiracy to overthrow the democratically elected US President. This is a future where space travel has got cheaper and major corporations have used the FAI treaty that establishes space as non-national from 100km above the Earth. This gives them a guaranteed tax free haven, and also allows them to establish…
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Mike Duff vs Macduff [Naming Crisis Point’s Main Character]

My mother, a recently retired teacher of High School English, has been reading my stories and asked me some interesting questions about why I named Mike Duff the main character in my first novella Crisis Point. She was interested in the parallels between Mike Duff and Shakespeare's Macduff. (more…)
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