Tag archives for LibreOffice


Poetry Station

  my desk for writing poetry I am busy crafting poetry for the third assignment of my Open University course A215 Creative Writing. Or rather I am indulging in a little displacement activity right now. However I will be back to work in a few moments. You will see from the picture of the table I'm using as my desk a number of things. Most useful being Stephen Fry's The Ode Less Travelled which is a very good introduction to poetry that I heartily recommend. Next is the video camera that I've been using to record myself reading the poetry out loud so that I can listen back and refine it. This is my own take on poetry being about the sound of the thing, much more so than prose. I think that's what makes poetry harder for many people…
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Trawling the Archives

I've been looking through some of my early writing on my computer, most of which was written for publication in Chestnut Lodge's club magazine, known affectionately as MilMud (a contraction of Military Muddling). I found several articles from the mid 90s which I have cut and pasted into the blog with dates when they were originally written or the file modified date if that isn't clear. I was pleasantly surprised to find that Libre Office can open WordPerfect files with no problems. 1995 CLWG Games Weekend - Saturday. This was my first ever CLWG event and my first offside report. 1995 CLWG Games Weekend - Sunday. The second part of this report. A Young Officer’s Guide to Fighting in Built Up Areas (FIBUA). I wrote this as a spoof of a training manual extract. At the time I was very much…
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