Tag archives for Science fiction - Page 7


Book Review – Resurrection by Arwen Elys Dayton

Resurrection by Arwen Elys Dayton My rating: 4 of 5 stars I really enjoyed this story, it was a mix of classic science fiction, ancient history and a modern thriller. I'm not an expert on the Egyptology, but what there was worked very well for me as a story and was plausible. It managed to avoid being too Erich von Däniken in its approach, and the way that the locals never grasped the technology was completely believable. Another aspect that I liked was the interplay between the metal poor and biotech rich Kinley (humans from a planet 8 light years away) and their enemies who used cloned Kinley to spy on them. This provided some of the science fiction backdrop for a modern day thriller, with the two racing to recover the lost secret of faster than light travel (the…
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Book Review – War Stories edited by Andrew Liptak

War Stories: New Military Science Fiction by Jaym Gates My rating: 5 of 5 stars I really loved this fantastic collection of short stories. They are well laid out with a set of general themes, covering a wide range of perspectives and points of view. What first attracted me to this was that there was a short story by Linda Nagata set in the same universe as her The Red: First Light novel. (See my review here) I'd enjoyed that so much that I was keen to read more, hence funding the kickstarter. Having read it I think I'll need to go look up some more of those authors and add them to my reading list. Not one of the stories in the collection seemed like it didn't belong there, and all of them had something novel and engaging about…
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Crisis Point on Wattpad

I'm editing Crisis Point for the third time to make it better by using the things I learned on A215 Creative Writing. One of the most valuable things I got from that was that you need feedback from real people to help you get better as a writer. Hence the use of wattpad (although I've also sent the story to a few of the other A215 veterans for their comments too). Here is the beginning of Crisis Point on wattpad. For obvious reasons I'll not be posting the whole story there, but I'll post a few more sections than the three that are there already. If you would like to be a beta reader for me then please drop me a line, either in the comments section, on the facebook page linked on the right or by email.   Related…
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Guardians of the Galaxy

I took Alexander to see this the other evening. It wasn't my idea, he'd gone to see How to Train Your Dragon 2 with his mum but while they were in the queue to get tickets it sold out. Guardians was a consolation prize and I made sure to book the tickets online before I told him we were going. I've not read the comic book that this is based on, and I had no prior knowledge of any of the characters or the plot. That said I am a fan of science fiction and I read some British comic books (mainly from the 2000AD school). It starts with a prologue, Star Lord as a 9 or 10 year old boy in 1988 listening to his Walkman while waiting outside the hospital room where his mum is dying. A poignant…
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Eligibility for the 2014 Hugos

My novelette Crisis Point is eligible for the Best Novelette category of the 2014 Hugos. Weighing in at about 13k words it is a near future science fiction techno thriller set in the middle of the 21st Century. So if you want to grab a free copy here are the links Crisis Point on Crisis Point on Amazon UK Crisis point widens the world view from that presented in Perfects (due Summer 2014, but you can read extracts from it elsewhere on the blog). It tells the story of a military conspiracy to overthrow the democratically elected US President. This is a future where space travel has got cheaper and major corporations have used the FAI treaty that establishes space as non-national from 100km above the Earth. This gives them a guaranteed tax free haven, and also allows them to establish…
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